twitch sucks

Twitch Sucks, Switching to streaming on YouTube for good.


Since getting better internet I’ve decided Twitch Sucks. It only allows you to stream at 6,000 bitrate unless you are partnered. There is no way for anyone to find you at all.

If you want to see me live streaming you can catch TheSmango live on the official gaming channel. Soon once I get 100 subs I’ll be able to make it YouTube.Com/TheSmango and that is where my gaming will take place.

The Fulltech channel will still have guides and more on some games but pure gaming will be over on this channel now. (Although I’m still waiting for it to allow me to customize the URL on it again since changing.)

Live Streaming on YouTube

I doubt that live streaming will take place anymore on the main channel like it use to. I think everything will work out better in the end. Fulltech is made to be about learning/how-tos and more with games and PC technology. While TheSmango Channel can focus on all the other crap I want to play and do.

This post is mostly just an update on what’s going on in my head to grow the content I want to make. Am I going to become a successful youtube at all? Probably not but I figure this way would be much easier and make more sense to split up the content.

I’ve always wanted to cover more games than Quake on Quakefans and it always felt wrong to do so since it was called… Quakefans. Sure there was a little wiggle room from the various Arena FPS games and sometimes Doom. But, I always felt like the community was divided.

Twitch bitrate sucks and sucks for small streamers

So now that I hate twitch, and Twitch Streaming sucks. I want to produce higher-quality streaming at 1440P and beyond whenever I can. A new capture card has been ordered so I might be able to even push to 4k with the internet I currently have.

This is really an exciting time to enjoy live streaming, with YouTube automatically being able to render the videos in lower resolutions for people it just makes sense.

Twitch is still an interesting place, but being a small streamer/content creator it’s just not the place to be anymore. You have to do YouTube to even get noticed on Twitch… Why not just stick to youtube at this point?


I know it may seem a little confusing to the small following I do have so let’s break it down one more time.

YouTube Channels

  • Fulltech – Techincal and PC Gaming tutorials and more
  • TheSmango – Pure Gaming and Live Streaming.

This will become the way I make content going forward.

Also, the Podcast should be returning soon hopefully at the beginning of 2022. I don’t have a set date yet, might even do one during Christmas.

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