
Announcement: Quakefans is now part of Fulltechpodcast.com


Quakefans.net will live on just in a different place.

So you might be wondering whats going on. I’ve decided to re-brand the channel. Quakefans.net is awesome but it doesn’t really pull a big audience. With the switch to a Technology podcast with Features QUAKE and other games alike I think the channel will grow much larger.

I’m a technical person anyways and Quakefans.net has had several tech/guide videos anyways. So I figured why not condense the 2. It just started to make more sense.

This also opens up more games that I enjoy and love to mod since it doesn’t necessarily have to be an Arena FPS or fast-paced shooter to make the cut on the channel. That doesn’t mean that full tech has gone into a full-on gaming website/blog/whatever… it hasn’t. It will still be technical but just include games that are PC orientated. If you want to watch a full gaming channel then that is going to be my other youtube channel (TheSmango).

The website will live on as a subdomain of fulltechpodcast.com now known as quake.fulltechpodcast.com and will no longer receive updates. Any new information added will be added on this website and not there.

This has been a thought for a long time

I hope all the current subscribers continue to follow, sub, share, and talk about Quake. I love quake. Quake, Doom, Unreal all of the games featured will still be here going forward.

I’ve been thinking about doing this for an extremely long time, I think I’ve said in many previous videos, podcasts, and such that I initially wanted to call the Website QuakeChampionsFans, but I’ve always felt like I Niche-d down way too far. The truth behind it all is that Arena FPS are not as popular as they once use to be.

This was a tough decision to do but Quake just wasn’t getting the views and the content that needs to be made to bring in the hardcore Quake bunch I was never able to produce at a high level. Quake/Arenafps has highly skilled players that are able to teach at a much higher level than I am able to achieve. I don’t have the time to learn how to duel at the top ELOs or do I even want to.

Quakefans isn’t dead but instead lives on

Quake will always be a part of the YouTube Channel and now guides helping you run your server, tips tricks, mods, etc will live on here as well.

The old Fulltech Youtube channel has been renamed to something else and I will be uploading the video podcasts as well in the following months/weeks to come.

If you enjoy learning about computers, and cool games that run on them and more well stick around. Like I said the Quake content will still be around just not the main focus anymore.

Many Reasons

There have been many reasons I’ve decided to do this. The #1 reason is I’m only one person and it was stupid trying to have 4-5 different blogs/YouTube channels whenever I’ve not made one successful yet. Quakefans being the biggest blog/youtube channel I own I’ve been thinking about condensing down for a long time.

This gives me the ability to produce even more content than I can imagine and not SO niche that I won’t have an audience.

It really was a hard bandaid to peel off because so many people know me from Quakefans.net. But, it was time if I wanted to do blogging/youtube more serious that I take a chance on hitting a wider audience.

I hope you continue to support the content I make here.

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