Diablo 2 Resurrected PC Clan

New Diablo 2 Resurrected PC Clan NA US-East

Games Blog

Looking for a Diablo 2 Resurrected PC Clan? Look no further as Fulltechpodcast.com has decided to open up a friendly PC clan. New, Old, whatever if you want a PC Clan to join that is based in North America then we welcome you with open arms!

If you want to skip ahead and get invited to the clan the fastest way is to just join the discord and grab the Diablo Role.

join discord

For a more detailed on how to join please stick around as I continue on with this post.

FTP D2 Resurrected Clan

The FTP Clan I want to say first and foremost is not meant to be a serious clan by any means. It’s more of a clan to help find people with similar interests in gaming. If you are looking to be the best of the best in Diablo 2 then this probably is not the place for you.

However, if you are someone who just wants to enjoy Diablo 2 and want a way to find some chill people to play the game with. That is where you will enjoy this clan.

Being of the age 35+ most of the 30 year olds have full times jobs and kids. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that this is more of a meeting place than being full on focused on Diablo 2 grinding every little aspect of it.

This Clan of course is meant to be for North American or English speakers. However, if you speak English and want to join that is completely fine.

How to Join the Diablo 2 PC Clan

First and foremost you need to join discord. It is the main way to get directly a hold of anyone involved with this website, and podcast.

Let’s go ahead and drop a clickable link again.

join discord

The name of the Discord might be a bit confusing. While I’ve thought about making several discords each one for a different purpose. In the past this has never worked out…

It seems like a good idea in theory but what it does is causes all of our resources to be stretched thin. So the Discord is called “The Kingdom” and is Smango’s creator discord. The creator/host/owners of Fulltechpodcast.com and whatever else Smango is currently working on.

After joining, you should see the “#getroles” channel where you can react and to the Diablo emote and grab your new role.

This will open up the Diablo chat where you can leave your account info and we can try to get you invited to the clan.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Youtube Channel

While the main FTP channel will not be covering Diablo 2 stuff other than talking about it in podcast form. You can check out Smango’s gaming channel for livestream and more about Diablo 2.

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